Director Identification Numbers

Need a director ID if a director of a company, trustee, charity, foreign company, or registered Australian body. Apply before appointment or by set deadline.

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If you want to become a director or are already one, you will need a director ID.

The below dot points will outline whether you need to apply for a directors ID.

If you are an eligible officer of:

  • a company, a registered Australian body or a registered foreign company under the Corporations Act 2001 (Corporations Act)

An eligible officer is a:

  • director
  • an alternate director who is acting in that capacity.

You must apply for your own director ID no one can apply on your behalf.

You need a director ID if you’re a director of a:

  • Company.
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporation.
  • Corporate trustee, for example, of a self-managed super fund.
  • Charity or not-for-profit organisation that is a company or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporation.
  • Registered Australian body, for example, an incorporated association that is registered with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) and trades outside the state or territory in which it is incorporated.
  • Foreign company registered with ASIC and carrying on business in Australia (regardless of where you live).

You do not need a director ID if you’re:

  • A company secretary but not a director
  • Acting as an external administrator of a company
  • Running a business as a sole trader or partnership
  • Referred to as a ‘director’ in your job title but have not been appointed as a director under the Corporations Act or the CATSI Act
  • A director of a registered charity with an organisation type that is not registered with ASIC to operate throughout Australia
  • An officer of an unincorporated association, cooperative or incorporated association established under state or territory legislation, unless the organisation is also a registered Australian body.

When you need to apply

You can apply for a director ID now.

If you’re planning on becoming a director, you can apply before you’re appointed.

Corporations Act directors

When you must apply for your director ID depends on the date you become a director.

Date you become a director Date you must apply
On or before 31 October 2021 By 30 November 2022
Between 1 November 2021 and 4 April 2022 Within 28 days of appointment
From 5 April 2022 Before appointment

To be a director under the Corporations Act, you must:

  • be an individual who is at least 18 years old
  • not be disqualified from managing corporations, unless the appointment is made with the permission of ASIC or the Court.

If you don’t meet your obligations:

  • there may be civil or criminal penalties
  • you may be issued with an infringement notice.

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