Charities & Not-for-profits

Global citizen

Global Citizen Ltd v Commissioner of the ACNC: How are charities interpreted to be PBI’s?

Case citation: Global Citizen Ltd and Commissioner of the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission [2021] AATA 3313 Recent cases concerning the type of charities considered to be PBIs (Public Benevolent Institutions) have shown that the term ‘benevolent’ is slowly being interpreted to have wider scope. Background to case Global Citizen Ltd v Commissioner of the […]

Global Citizen Ltd v Commissioner of the ACNC: How are charities interpreted to be PBI’s? Read More »

New reporting requirements for charities

New Reporting Requirements for Charities

What are the new requirements? The ACNC has announced new reporting requirements: charities must report on related party transactions in their Annual Information Statement from 2023 and onward. In general, related party transactions are transactions between persons that have a relationship with the charity. Who a related party is considered to be, and their specific

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How are environmental organisations

How are Environmental Organisations being changed structurally?

What is the new Act? The Treasury Laws Amendment (Refining and Improving Our Tax System) Act 2023 (Cth) has outlined many changes for Environmental Organisations in terms of their status as a charity. While most of the Act has recently come into force, the section pertaining to Environmental Organisations will only come into force on

How are Environmental Organisations being changed structurally? Read More »

Reforms coming for fundraising regulations

Reforms coming for fundraising regulations

What are the current fundraising laws like? Currently, fundraising laws in Australia are different for each jurisdiction, and there are a multitude of regulations that charities must be compliant with to ensure that they can fundraise accordingly. These compliance requirements cost charities an exorbitant amount of money that could otherwise be directed towards their charitable

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Man in cleats kicking soccer ball

Is My Sporting Club a Charity?

In Australia, registering as a charity provides tax exemptions and benefits for not-for-profit entities. Sporting clubs may not qualify, but can self-declare as not-for-profit to receive tax exemptions and government grants. get in touch Warlows is part of the 1% PLEDGEWarlows are now members of HOPE NOW’s mission In Australia, being registered as a charity

Is My Sporting Club a Charity? Read More »

What if i forget

What if I Forget to Meet my Reporting Requirements as a Charity?

Registered charities in Australia must submit an Annual Information Statement to the ACNC, with potential penalties and revocation for non-compliance after two years. get in touch Warlows is part of the 1% PLEDGEWarlows are now members of HOPE NOW’s mission Registered charities are, by law, required to submit an Annual Information Statement to the Australian

What if I Forget to Meet my Reporting Requirements as a Charity? Read More »

Used and occupied

‘Used and Occupied’: How the University of Melbourne Changed Tax Law for Charities

get in touch Warlows is part of the 1% PLEDGEWarlows are now members of HOPE NOW’s mission Key Points: Charities are generally exempt from land tax in Victoria, when they are in active ‘use’ of the land for their charitable purposes. A recent Supreme Court decision involving the University of Melbourne (which is a registered

‘Used and Occupied’: How the University of Melbourne Changed Tax Law for Charities Read More »

Deductible gift recipient

The New Process to Register for Tax-Deductible Donations: How Your Charity Might Be Affected

get in touch Warlows is part of the 1% PLEDGEWarlows are now members of HOPE NOW’s mission Currently, certain charities have the status which allows them to receive tax-deductible donations. This status provides a significant advantage to charities insofar as it allows donors to make larger donations, with pre-tax dollars. For donors in the top

The New Process to Register for Tax-Deductible Donations: How Your Charity Might Be Affected Read More »

So, you are a registered pbi

So, you are a registered PBI…but do you know about your legal entitlements?

get in touch Warlows is part of the 1% PLEDGEWarlows are now members of HOPE NOW’s mission Not for profits play an integral role in our community. In recognition of the contribution made by the charity sector, the government provides extra tax benefits to their employees, by allowing a greater tax savings and salary packaging.

So, you are a registered PBI…but do you know about your legal entitlements? Read More »

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